Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems

Alur R, Courcoubetis C, Henzinger TA. 1993. Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems. 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. CAV: Computer Aided Verification, LNCS, vol. 697, 181–193.

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Conference Paper | Published | English

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Alur, Rajeev; Courcoubetis, Costas; Henzinger, Thomas AISTA
Series Title
We present a verification algorithm for duration properties of finite-state real-time systems. While simple real-time properties constrain the total elapsed time between events, duration properties constrain the accumulated time during which certain state predicates hold. We formalize the concept of durations by introducing duration measures for (dense-time) timed automata. Given a timed automaton with a duration measure, a start and a target state, and a duration constraint, the duration-bounded reachability problem asks if there is a run of the automaton from the start state to the target state such that the accumulated duration along the run satisfies the constraint. Our main result is a novel decision procedure for solving the duration-bounded reachability problem. We also prove that the problem is PSPACE-complete and demonstrate how the solution can be used to verify interesting duration properties of real-time systems.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
BRA ESPRIT project REACT, National Science Foundation grant CCR-9200794 United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research contract F49620-93-1-0056
181 - 193
CAV: Computer Aided Verification
Conference Location
Elounda, Greece
Conference Date
1993-06-28 – 1993-07-01

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Alur R, Courcoubetis C, Henzinger TA. Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems. In: 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. Vol 697. Springer; 1993:181-193. doi:10.1007/3-540-56922-7_16
Alur, R., Courcoubetis, C., & Henzinger, T. A. (1993). Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems. In 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (Vol. 697, pp. 181–193). Elounda, Greece: Springer.
Alur, Rajeev, Costas Courcoubetis, and Thomas A Henzinger. “Computing Accumulated Delays in Real-Time Systems.” In 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 697:181–93. Springer, 1993.
R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, and T. A. Henzinger, “Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems,” in 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, Elounda, Greece, 1993, vol. 697, pp. 181–193.
Alur R, Courcoubetis C, Henzinger TA. 1993. Computing accumulated delays in real-time systems. 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. CAV: Computer Aided Verification, LNCS, vol. 697, 181–193.
Alur, Rajeev, et al. “Computing Accumulated Delays in Real-Time Systems.” 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, vol. 697, Springer, 1993, pp. 181–93, doi:10.1007/3-540-56922-7_16.

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